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Charity Community Fundraiser

​In this role, a charity fundraiser is in charge of organising events and activities that encourage people or organisations to contribute to the charity either by providing donations or by giving their time to the cause. A charity fundraiser builds relationships and explores new fundraising opportunities.

A charity fundraiser’s success is highly dependent on the relationships they are able to build and maintain. Below are some of the responsibilities of a charity fundraiser:

Secure funding by approaching trusts, businesses or individuals

Recruit volunteers to join the cause

Create and deliver communication campaigns for donations

Organise events or other activities that aim to generate donations or more generally increase awareness

Develop and manage web-based fundraising and online auctions when applicable

Continue to encourage supporters to maintain their regular donations and inspire new supporters through relationship development

Create and maintain performance reports to ensure clear visibility of the efforts required to reach the target

A charity fundraiser might have to deal with pushback from people who are either in a hurry or simply not interested.

Knowing how to deal with these situations without taking things personally is essential.

​​East London is the northeastern part of London, England, east of the ancient City of London and north of the River Thames as it begins to widen.

East London developed as London's docklands and the primary industrial centre.

The expansion of railways in the 19th century encouraged the eastward expansion of the East End of London and a proliferation of new suburbs. The industrial lands of East London are today an area of regeneration, which are well advanced in places such as Canary Wharf and ongoing elsewhere.

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